Get a FREE Signed Bookplate for your Copy of Not All Supermen!

walter white

Now that Not All Supermen is officially out and available to purchase in stores and online, I hope lots of you are receiving your copies and enjoying the lovely cover design (and the words inside, too!). Some of you might even be keen to get your book signed, but alas I am far away on the Eastern coast of Canada and not traveling for many events or conventions this year. The pandemic is still ongoing, and most conventions have gotten pretty lax about masks and other protections. Even the big comics convention here in Halifax “encourages” masks but doesn’t make them mandatory, which is rather disappointing and a no-go for me. I don’t want to get sick, and I especially don’t want my 88 and 90 year old grandparents to get sick either, so it’s safety first, always.

But fret not, because you can still get your book signed! As I’ve done for every book I’ve written, I’ve built some fun bookplates to stick in the front cover. I started this because I was afraid of spelling someone’s name wrong of making a mistake while writing directly in the book they’d just purchased. That would not be ideal. But it turns out, I like making things, and having a choice of bookplates for every book I do is very fun!

This time, we’ve got subtly improved comic book covers. The first features some classic moments from the Silver Age, highlighting the first appearance of Bat-Woman, an early Fantastic Four story in which Sue (surprise, surprise) gets captures, and a the heights of Bat-mania after the Batman TV show began. The second bookplate takes us to the 80s, when everything got grittier and sexier, with the grisly Batman of Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns, the gun-toting Punisher, and the constantly objectified She-Hulk. I had a very good time making new logos for all these issues, this being exactly the sort of persnickety task I enjoy. Working around She-Hulk’s hair was quite the job, but I think it call came together in the end.

Since I probably won’t see you in person, you can get one of these bookplates by sending me some proof of purchase for your copy of Not All Supermen. Any sort of receipt is fine, or a picture of you with the book. Get creative with it, if you like, and drop me a line at or DM me on Twitter with your proof, your address, who I should sign it too, and your preferred bookplate. In return, I will send you a personalized, signed bookplate at no cost to you that you can stick in your book!

(Anywhere in the Canada or USA will be no problem at all, but if you’re outside of those areas, let me know and I’ll see what I can do. Chances are I can make it work, but we can discuss costs on a case by case basis for all you folks around the globe.)

I’m printing a limited number of bookplates, so jump on it now while I’ve still got some! It’ll be like a comic book convention in your mailbox. A book signing in your very own home. Get on it, gang!

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